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About the Series

The Let's Go Dreaming children's book series is a collection of bedtime stories that take children on adventures in their dreams. The series encourages children to use their imaginations and inspire young minds to think of all of the endless possibilities of where they can go when they dream.


Each book has a matching Coloring Book or Activity book, which can be purchased separately or as a set.


The first book, “Sleep, Tiny Dreamer”, is a sweet bedtime story inspiring children to reach for the stars to become whatever they want to be.


The second book, “What is a Dream?”, introduces the main characters, Little Ari and her talking dog, Pepper. Ari describes to Pepper what dreams are, and reveals the magic formula to create a dream in this whimsical bedtime story that explores the 5 senses.


In the third book, “Into the Stars”, Little Ari and her talking dog, Pepper, explore the world of dreams and journey into outer space. There they meet Galaxy Joe, take a magical ride on a meteoroid and play among the planets.


In the upcoming books, Ari and Pepper go on adventures in their dreams, traveling to exciting places, meeting new friends, and learning important lessons about friendship, acceptance, bullying, and creativity. 





Little Ari, along with her talking dog, Pepper, go on magical adventures while they sleep, getting readers excited to go to bed, so that they too can have wonderful adventures in Dream Land.

Join them on their latest
adventure "Into the Stars"!
Let's Go Dreaming
with the whole collection!
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